Friday, 27 October 2017

Build a site like Facebook

There are numerous benefits of SEO services and using SEO services provided by a professional and experienced SEO company can help your business to scale new heights in online marketing and search engine rankings. Search engine optimization services are customizable and cost-effective and there are numerous types that include:

SEO Copy-writing
Internet Marketing
SEO Redesign
Link Building
Social Media Optimization
Email Campaigns
Reputation Management

Each of the solutions mentioned above should be provided in a systematic manner so that they will give your business the maximum advantage.

SEO services should be provided by companies that have a vast amount of experience in the various elements involved in the complex world of SEO. This experience coupled with the close relationship that you should have with your SEO company, ensures that any SEO service you pay for do not prove to pointless and should also mean that your SEO services do not lose focus.

Social Media Optimization is becoming increasingly important and web designers should make your SEO user-friendly by adding the relevant social media buttons. You can also provide social sharing opportunities from your shopping carts on E Commerce SEOs and internet marketing experts at your SEO Company should be able to identify new and diverse advertising opportunities. These can include pay-per-click, banner advertising, email campaigns, click-through-ads and many more.

A professional SEO company should know that all these processes are interrelated and should ensure that they are integrated efficiently for the best results and to provide you with the best return on your investment in SEO services.

SEO services have proven to be a must in the success of any online marketing campaign. Subsequently, this particular market has seen the birth and growth of many SEO services companies, some of which are able to provide their clients with comprehensive solutions that drive targeted traffic to their web sites with the major search engines such as Yahoo! or Google. In order to make sure that the SEO optimization services that you are about to choose will really pay off, you should base your choice of SEO services company on several important criteria such as their experience with SEO rankings and the references they are able to provide.

The Internet has brought the entire world together and has turned it into a small village. The benefits of using the Internet are countless, especially when it comes to advertising, marketing and selling products and services. Many people have succeeded in taking their business online and making it grow to proportions they had never dreamt of. Every wise business person knows that success is highly dependable on the way you manage to reach your target audience and we all know that the Internet provides a lot of opportunities in this respect. However, it is not exactly easy to make it big on the world wide web. In time, millions of companies and organizations have taken their activities to the virtual world as well, not to mention the ones that conduct their business exclusively online. In other words, the competition is now fiercer online than it is in the real world, and being able to proper requires a thorough and diligent use of all resources that you have at your disposal. SEO services are a must when you want to be found by your target audience, which, as has been said before, is the key to a successful business of any kind.

SEO Services

The Internet reaches out to millions of users worldwide and manages to rake in a good amount of business every day in and out. Each type of business caters to a specific segment of customers. In order to make your business a success you need to target effectively at this segment of customers and this is where SEO services come into picture.

SEO services will help you with strategies to get the exact kind of customers you are looking for and also help the customers find the right type of service providers.

Hence, these days all the business online are making Search engine optimization as part of their online marketing strategy to reach the customers all over the world.

SEO services have proven to be a must in the success of any online marketing campaign. Subsequently, this particular market has seen the birth and growth of many SEO services companies, some of which are able to provide their clients with comprehensive solutions that drive targeted traffic to their web sites with the major search engines such as Yahoo! or Google. In order to make sure that the SEO optimization services that you are about to choose will really pay off, you should base your choice of SEO services company on several important criteria such as their experience with SEO rankings and the references they are able to provide.

As per Google, by now it has been considered that online reviews are one of the most important factors in improving your local search ranking. Many of the market research have always proved that reviews from customers and even the other online reviews are very much helpful in converting the footfall into potential customers. This is because maximum of the customers rely on a particular site only after reading the online reviews of the customer reviews on that particular site. Local SEO services often take the help of the online reviews in order to get your business site a good ranking in the search engines.

Business Listing On Google

As per Google, by now it has been considered that online reviews are one of the most important factors in improving your local search ranking. Many of the market research have always proved that reviews from customers and even the other online reviews are very much helpful in converting the footfall into potential customers. This is because maximum of the customers rely on a particular site only after reading the online reviews of the customer reviews on that particular site. Local SEO services often take the help of the online reviews in order to get your business site a good ranking in the search engines.

Business Listing On Google

The very first step that you need to do is to claim or list your business site on the search engine Google. One of the best ways is to get it listed on Google My Business. Some other local business listing services where you can list your business site for reviews are Facebook, Foursquare and others. A proper listing on Google can help your customers reach you without any difficulty. When anyone searched your business site, they get your site along with a local map of the location of your office in the city.

Listing on Review Sites
It is not necessary that the customers will only rely on the customer reviews that are provided on your own site. Customers will only believe your service if they can see good comments and reviews about your business on some other review sites. Hence, it is highly important for you to list your business site with many other local business listing services such as City Search or many others depending upon the type of business that you are offering through your site. This not only helps the customers to know about you, but also to have a trust on your services.

Responding To Reviews

It is not that you should only get reviews. In order to have a good ranking, you also need to be interactive with the reviewers. Responding to the reviews that are coming either on your site or on some other sites, help in making a review interactive. The more interactive a review will become, the better will become the ranking of your site in the search engine.

Filtering The Feedbacks

The design of your company SEO plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your SEO or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a SEO design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the Design Company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to SEO designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of SEO design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.

Being an Entrepreneur means learning and progressing by own trial and error method. You do not always have a godfather or mentor to guide, and there is no one to tell the right way of doing business. Entrepreneurs have an open world in front of them where they can succeed or succumb to failures. Some sail through the challenges with their hard work and tactics while others lag.

An entrepreneur should be aware of the fact that they can learn from the mistakes made by someone before them. To make it easier, discussed below are tactics to help them avoid making the same mistakes and emerge as a successful entrepreneur.

1. Do not be a ‘Reckless Risk Taker’

 Often, we come across entrepreneurs whose ideas crash even before take off because of reckless executions and unwarranted risks they took. The first thing that should be considered is the feasibility of the idea. The idea might be a hit and dollar churner on paper but may not work that way when you implement it. Therefore, before transforming the idea into a business, it is very important to check the feasibility and expediency of the idea.

To know how good your idea is, you should start with a market research. Of course, a budding entrepreneur cannot afford to conduct market research on a massive level. At least knowing how people around you feel about your idea would be a good start.

2. Observe your competitors

Every business has a competitor, and a budding entrepreneur must understand how the competitor works. Hit those areas, where the competitor has not reached or ignored. One of the biggest mistakes that new entrepreneurs do is neglecting various important areas or factors thinking that the other companies are not tapping. The common idea is that if there was some potential, then the company in the business for many years would not have neglected it.

Remember, these neglected areas can be a game changer. For those who dread that it is difficult to stand up against an established company, should not forget how Facebook dethroned Orkut (a property of Google).

3. Well thought ‘Marketing Plan’

There are a few factors that should not be overlooked while designing a fail proof marketing plan. You should have a clear understanding of the target customers, who will be interested in the product. Businesses spend a lot of money and time in marketing their product, but still fail to garner sales, because of poor targeting.

Next, always define your business for yourself and the potential customers. For instance, if Starbucks did not describe itself as “high-quality coffee,” then half the potential customers would have been in oblivious about the product of the company. Convey the major and distinctive benefit that a customer gets after buying the product or taking your service.

Always remarket the products to the customers who are already aware and buy it. This might sound like a waste exercise to some, but they should take a cue from companies like Nestle. Nestle markets and remarkets its brand Maggi even when it has become the household name. The company does this to make sure that flood of new products does not fade the brand in the minds of the customers.

4. Be flexible to embrace changes

Biggest names like BlackBerry and Nokia fell like a house of cards as they kept on ignoring what customers wanted. Rather, these companies continued serving their own favorites to the customers. Never let go of the fact from your mind that customer is the king, and they are one to decide what they want.

A successful entrepreneur should be flexible enough to adapt the changes, preferences, technology and shift from the process if it is not what the customers want. To be successful, an entrepreneur should know when to ditch old practices, technology and retain the customers by offering them a new and relevant product or services.

For this, make sure to go through the feedback provided by the customers. It can help you in understanding their need, and transform the product or services accordingly.

5. No harm in taking inspiration from successful business ideas

Often, we hear that since the product or idea is already in the market, the very similar one would not work. However, it is not true as there are many companies in the identical businesses, and are highly successful. Of course, there are factors other than the product that determines the success of the business. For instance, there are dozens of online retailers offering apparels, but the buyer sticks to one that has variety, good after sale service and dedicated customer support.

The idea here is that even if there are products and services similar to what you want to bring, there are ample factors that decide the success of business. In a way, it is even better because you do not need to assess the demand for the product. Just make sure you include all those factors in your offering that customers have been asking for from other companies.

6. Do not get into price war too early

If you think that lowering the price will make a product popular then wait and give it a second thought. Make sure you charge what the product or service is worth. There have been massive failures where companies misjudged the price behavior of the customers. Do not enter into a price war (and definitely don’t be the one to start it). So for Smart Money Spending make a Solid plan for pricing the product.

Take an example of BlackBerry, where the company started selling cheaper phones side by side the premium ones, to cater the masses. As a result, high-end customers were wiped off, and the mass went under the impression that the company has lowered the price because devices are not as good as their predecessors.

7. Do only what you are good at

 One of the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs make is doing all by themselves. While starting the business on a small scale, you can afford to market, sell, make the account all by yourself. As the business expands, you need experts who can handle each department of the business. As the business grows, you need an accountant, an HR person, someone for administration, and more professionals depending on the need.

8. Don’t let go your day job

You have a wonderful idea and ready to work on it with the capital that you have built after years of job. In order, to focus on the business, some young entrepreneurs quit their jobs. However, this is not a very intelligent idea because you will need cash for day to day business apart from a one-time capital. Therefore, it is better to keep your day job until you find investors or funds for your business.

9. Build a strong network

Last but not the least, a network is a defining factor in the success of any business. Without a proper network, you will not be able to succeed in any business as word of mouth has been an evergreen tactic to promote a business. Big names such as Uber rely on networking to promote their business more than anything else. Advertisement and aggressive spending on the marketing come only when the company grows big enough. Therefore, build a strong network and share the developments with them that your business is making.

Every famous and rich businessman, about who you read today, started their ventures after calculating the risk and reward thoroughly. For instance, Google was started as a side project by two Standford students. Against the common belief that Bill Gates is a Harvard dropout, the man actually took leave of absence and was depended on his parents for financial support while he was in the process of building Microsoft. Therefore, it would be only wise not to be overwhelmed by what you read in a magazine about how these successful businessmen started. Instead, take a practical approach, and never lose hope.


Operational excellence can be defined as an element that is found in the organizational leadership, which puts stress on application of various types of principles, tools and systems that are directed towards the sustainable improvement of the basic metrics of performance.

There are a few basic principles of operational excellence. Some among them are mentioned herein below:

  1. The first among all the principles is 'Design lean value systems'. According to this principle, we are supposed to make a design on paper regarding end-to-end flow of lean value stream. It basically starts from the time we receive the request of service from the customers' part, till the time we finally dispatch it. But, information can be found on only one process in the entire value system, when we talk about the future-state map. The information in all the other processes flow with the products with the help of the connections that was created from the initial point. The point is that each of the processes is connected and the information is moved only at the time when the next or the other processes require it.
  2. The next step includes taking the design from paper to the actual world of operation and putting into action a self-healing value stream. This will create an operational excellence. This step is done by providing a formal training, which includes a review of the recent-state of value stream map, application of the guidelines to target the value stream, the guidelines for flow, and finally the implementation of the plan.
  3. Once the design has been taken from paper to the framework for flow, which has been physically created, the next step would be of making the flow, so that all the employees will be able to see how the processes are well connected with one another as well as with the other customers.
  4. The next step is about coming up with the standard work for flow. Once the creation of the visual lean flow is done, we jump to the point of implementing the idea of standard work to the specific flow. When the application of standard work is already been applied in the process; as per this specific principle, a standard work between the procedures will be established. By implementing the standard work at the process as well as between the processes, a total of end-to-end flow gets stabilized. It helps in lessening every type of variation and also brings normalcy in the whole flow.

Different development programs will help your employees to know about the facts of handling the team more effectively. After getting the proper knowledge with an effective program, they are capable of managing the things more easily for the success of the co-workers and your business. 

An effective leadership development program also serves your employees with the best and up-to-dated business and communication skills. Experts will help your employees to improve their communication skills so that they can represent your business strategies to the clients more effectively. This will also help you to grow your business in an easier way. 

After getting the best leadership development training, employees of your company or organization will get to know the risk factors of the business. This will help the employees to build new business strategies that serve your business with premium benefits. Employees of your organization can easily build effective plans for the growth of the business after knowing the risk factors. 

Hence, it is must for your organization to get in touch with professional companies and train your employees with these effective development trainings. You can easily search online to find a reputed and reckoned company that can serve your employees with an effective service. These reputed companies will always care for your needs and serve you with the best & effective solutions.  

With these steps, the operational excellence is brought to the businesses, which ultimately helps in their growth.


Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra

102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058    

Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai

107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064    

Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East

4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099    

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